AmigaOS3.5 (257/967)

From:Don Cox
Date:7 May 2000 at 14:56:29
Subject:Re: yam icons....

Hello mark

On 07-May-00, mark krawczuk wrote:
> hi,
> the icons in YAM use to be ok, but now some of them LOOK a bit
> ghosted , they still work okay, but does any one know why they look
> like this?
> i am running os3.5,dkbcobra....

The guy that did the Glow Icons for OS3.5 also did a very nice set of
icons for YAM. You would have to be running it on an 8-bit screen or
better to get the full benefit, I think.

Sorry, I don't have his URL handy. I could probably hunt it down
through a search engine.


Don Cox

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